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Open Letter To Klaus Schwab

Dear Prof. Schwab:

My name is Marshall Barnes, R&D Eng and I was a registered Public Member at the 2023 World Economic Forum Meeting.
As I am sure that the event was enjoyed by everyone there, with its heady mix of innovation, geopolitics, technology, climate and such subjects
suggested or promoted by WEF. 

I am equally sure, if not more so, that most however were unaware of the other unexpected challenges on the horizon for

any agenda. What you might call "invisible challenges from the future". A future that is almost upon us all.

In much that same vein I wrote an article correcting the time travel piece on the WEF website, Time, space and why we can't time travel .
By profession, I am an advanced concept science and technology R&D engineer with a fundamental area of research being the nature of

time and the practical and functional development of time travel science to the past. So, I revealed mistakes that the subject of that article,

Richard Muller, made because he was dealing with inaccurate and out of date information, and in my subsequent piece,

TIME, SPACE, and why WE WILL TIME TRAVEL TOMORROW... I solve all the issues, including how it is that time travel would work

and in fact, the reason why more progress hasn't been made in that area is because of all of the misinformation hampering researchers and

the lay public alike.


Furthermore, it is the lack of that accurate information on the subject that has hidden the realization of the

ultimate solution for much of our threats and problems facing us today - time travel to the distant past to reestablish a

modern civilization in a world a new - fresh without the geopolitical hindrances here and now.

An ultimate solution that I've brought within our grasp because I have made it my mission..  


The ability, the modes of sensory perception if you will, for me

to grasp this knowledge was cultivated by my exposure in my early youth to the creative arts through the original, Arts Impact program

in the early '70s of the United States, a program through which I learned to develop my imagination and creative skills

across an array of disciplines. It was Albert Einstein who said that "imagination is greater than knowledge" but I proved that it is

through imagination that greater knowledge is acquired. And so it was, many years later, in high school,

I was recognized as the best product of the Arts Impact program in my state, to date, at that time. Because of this,

I was invited to attend a conference on arts in education produced by the state education board. Subsequently,

because of my performance there, my name was given to the son of David Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, Jr.

as a highly recommended participant for his own national conference on the subject, later that year. After sending me an initial invite,

I received a personal letter from him, urging me to participate and I did. 


After high school,  I started applying my creativity professionally to music and record production, then video, video technology and on and on, finally getting into engineering and quantum physics.

By applying and amplifying what I learned from Arts Impact, along with studying the creative processes of rock star/producer, Todd Rundgren, I was able to create breakthrough work in multiple fields and rise to the point of bringing the only viable alternative solution for the threats to the world - time travel to the past, roughly 12,000 years. A pitch deck for the project, is below.

What Our Clients Say

The Art Girl Trigger

the* Marshall Barnes

Copyright 1988

Prof. Schwab, whether you deserve it or not, you have a diabolical kind of image. However, this doesn't serve you or WEF well. Why? Because formidable resistance is being created across the world that is armed and well motivated. When I say "well motivated" I mean determined to harm you and anyone else they see leading WEF that they can blame or target as a serious threat when that time comes. Similar forces have already attempted such acts against elected officials in the United States on multiple occasions. One of the targets was Gov. Whitmer of Michigan, who I believe was on a panel on January 19, in Davos.


 I'm just being honest. Why my candor? Because I have nothing to lose and much to gain by it. I'm not religious so there is no religious symbolism or conspiracy that your movement represents for me. At the same time, I have no intention of staying here, just in case things do go bad. I'm communicating with you because I see possible common ground that is worth the effort to seed instead of engaging in the immature behavior of Elon Musk, who is merely a billionaire boy king wannabe, exploiting the ire of the disaffected.  After all, he's no genius - he thinks we live in a computer simulation made in a future that depends on civilization not collapsing in the meantime. As an expert on the nature of time I can say that's a causality violation - falsifiable on its face. I, on the other hand, have worked in politics before, served on a committee responsible for carving out a metropolitan arts policy for the capital city of a state, and was thanked by an Israeli representative for coming out against Stephen Hawking's boycott in 2013 of a major event in Israel,





Just this past Tuesday, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moved the hands on the Doomsday clock to the first ever position of 90 seconds to Midnight. When I wrote my report, Temporal Escape, the hands were moved to the unprecedented time of 100 seconds to Midnight. Things are getting worse.


   Klaus, from my perspective, we are already at the precipice. That doesn't even take into consideration unforeseen natural calamities that are possible. Or the unnatural, like an AI event which many people have been warning about.  Did you hear about the 29 people allegedly killed by 4 military AI robots in a lab in Japan? I'm developing active counter-measures to prevent such things but the threat is still there and WEF has no defense yet that I know of.  I've known how to kill AI systems for years. Now I have the means to take on killer combat AI robots, based on my one time hobby of theorizing how to stop Roman legions without modern weapons. The AI threat is one of the reasons expressed by Elon Musk for extending Humanity to the stars. An escape that is expensive, impractical, and inextricably connected to inhospitable circumstances and conditions. So 1950s in comparison with my plan - which will render Musk's Mars missions moot, if successful.                                                       


To understand exactly what I mean when describing the formidable armed resistance to WEF thinking, you need only look at how Ukraine has been successful in fighting back against Russia. Everyone thought Russia would win in a matter of weeks if not days. They were wrong for the same basic reason that anyone thinking that some New World Order group of any kind will be able to successfully rule the world. Not anymore. It will be a mess which neither side would be happy with, so why bother? The alternative that is within our grasp will deliver not only a world that has all of the benefits that WEF talks about, but most that most people want - a secure world without international strife and with flourishing economies and no climate crisis issues. For more details on that, please read Temporal Escape.  



Klaus there are any number of reasons that people fear and even hate what the World Economic Forum is or stands for, as I'm sure you're aware.  The appearance of the desire for authoritarian control when you have not been the elected the authority. Sometimes though, it sounds as if it's all a clumsy misunderstanding. The problem with messaging has been raised and discussed among the WEF ranks as you know.


Then again there’s Yuval Harari, who’s nothing more than pseudo intellectual, and I don’t disparage people without cause or proof. He’s made a big name impressing a lot of people, including WEF, of his insightful genius about the future and the state of Humanity which he claims has “reached the end of history” because governments “just don’t need the vast majority of the population” which he refers to as “all these useless people”. You see, this supposed genius miscalculates the obvious objective due to his self reflective pompous importance. He’s viewing people through the lens of governments and corporations and their population’s usefulness to them and then assigning that as the definition of how those people view their own lives. Harari actually has the unmitigated gall and asinine arrogance to pose the question, “how will they find some sense of meaning in life when they are basically meaningless, worthless”, when it is clear that it is Harari who is meaningless and absolutely worthless, fore what good is a historian and philosopher or whatever else he chooses to call himself, when he can’t even see that the meaning in life is self-evident. It’s the experience of being alive and free to encounter the wonder of discovery and enjoyment of love and companionship and nature. It not only means that he’s forgotten what it was like to be a child (if he ever as one) but is so blind to not be aware of what millions of people do with their free time when they’re not doing the jobs most of them would rather not be doing - but have to. They  don’t get their purpose in life from what they do for a paycheck. I’m sorry, but I have standards for people before I respect their intellectual bona fides and Yuval Haraari doesn’t make the cut with me. 

There is, however, a shocking back story behind even this research. That is of course, since parallel universes are real, and there are duplicates of ourselves in them, are there any with no apparent connection with ours?  If so, can we communicate with them or go there? Or even they visit us? Is that what UFOs are? In the '80s, while I was developing a career in the entertainment business, I decided to create an epic space saga and produce elements of it in different media forms. Over time I began to incorporate things from real life, such as people, various incidents and ideas, into the saga stories, many of which by this point involved a specific parallel universe. None of them were supposed to come true and I knew nothing of parallel universes outside of science fiction. To do this, I used an advanced creativity technique that I developed which, under the right circumstances, I didn't realize can result in bi-location viewing, meaning you can be in one location and see events elsewhere in space and time.  I thought it was just always my imagination. 

The experimental rock video above was shot and edited "in-camera" with music added later, but is much like the bi-location viewing I had been doing - with music playing to set my mood and then my getting the visuals and then bits and pieces of the sound from the location, being perceived. 

Above: Excerpt from the first major article to be published about Seeing the Breykiot, the first ever and still only, psychoactive rock video album, produced with technological knowledge acquired from bi-location viewing activities in the advanced, parallel world civilization we call Bosoks world.

accurately predicting that it was a missed opportunity for a dialog which resorted in no benefit at all, despite what Noam Chomsky thought, who I discovered put Hawking up to it, with some arm twisting.  


So, let's just say you ignore my advice, I bare no responsibility for the subsequent violence, destruction and loss of life that you all will most certainly bring upon yourselves if you are not careful. To quote David Byrne of the Talking Heads - "This ain't not party. This ain't no disco. This ain't no foolin' around..."

Below, Parallel Universes:The Search for Other Worlds author and physicist, Fred Alan Wolf, met with me in 1992 and confirmed that the many strange synchronicities and events becoming real, were beyond statistically reasonable and indicated something outside the norm. Perceiving alternate realities from quantum physics...

Below is the Ben Porter rock video I produced and directed that is the first and only to feature an active time machine as well as technology from a parallel universe. British rock bassist legend, Pete Way, is seen using a "disk desk set with full theater", the knowledge for which was  acquired using the bi-location remote viewing technique which in turn, produces powerful altered states and outperforms the Gysin Dream Machine by far. The video itself is shown being beamed through the Verdrehug Fan, at the end, and into an unknown past. 

As you may know, Elon Musk and his fan base has been maligning you, due to some of the views of the WEF policy positions, which have been misrepresented a number of times. I know this for myself, Klaus, because I looked into it.  The video about "owning nothing and being happy" was based on the way one writer, Ida Auken, saw the way things could develop, not the way they were going to be.

Speaking of technology and consciousness, I know you're a fan of Neuralink, which is not a smart idea unless a medical necessity. Why? Because only rank amateurs talk about putting implants in brains. Because Neuralink has killed dozens of animals in their testing of it but here's the best part - ANYONE with one of those implanted in their brain can be KILLED remotely, no shielding POSSIBLE - from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD by any EXPERT IN THIS FIELD. At least with a head set you have a chance to yank it off your head. But see, this is what happens when you listen to people suffering from digitalcentrism - the psychological disorder that causes a person to think only in terms of 20th century computer culture and not actual problem solving. It's like anorexia except instead of thinking you're fat when you aren't, you think everything is solved by computer control when it's not. It's why we got hackable cars. So, in this case it's "Oh, let's implant our brains with chips to interface with computers" when all you need is a head set, instead. Just like with Richard Muller, with that article on the nature of time - thinking he has the answer when he's completely incapable of processing the problem. So, Elon thinks in order to not be out done by AI that we have to merge with it instead of becoming smarter in ways it can't and to OUTLAW, not regulate, any further development of it. Anyway, he thinks we're living in a similation so, there you go... 

These are two examples of faces on electronic displays showing resolution lines that form them. 


Notice that in the large photograph below, the same type of thing is evident in the face on the right hand side. The big difference is that that "face" was only visible for a 30th of a second (1 frame of video) and it is in mid-air and part of a projection of a screen that is not physically in that room. 

Below is an interview with me on AI and robotic weapons systems, covering my experience and knowledge on the subject. My experience going back to the early '80s and submarine warfare ideas to stop Soviet subs in Norwegian fjords. 

I had begun to develop ideas on manipulating time and along the way discovered the physics linking  space and time, which matched some of the work and discoveries of Russian physicist, N.A. Kozyrev. This led to my discovery of how to build a prototype warp drive, confirmed by experiments I conducted under the consultation of physicist Fred Alan Wolf.


Below is video of my technology using the same physics to affect both space and time - the Verdrehung Fan, the world's first prototype time machine on a quantum level.

Paradox Lost: The True Geometries of Time Travel . The 2013  special report for select members of ongree which became the 2014 

Left: Article on how I produced and marketed Seeing the Breykiot as a radical, new development in entertainment  which to this day there is nothing else like it, which attests to the fact that the knowledge on how to produce it was acquired from an advanced parallel world civilization. 

I eventually got involved with aerospace and astrophysics research stemming at first from the study of black holes beginning in the early 90s, eventually moving into engineering and advanced propulsion design, writing papers and presenting at major space science conferences. However, I began to realize that if Earth were in actual danger, space is a dead end


“You're like a receiver, you're tuning into

something that is real. And as you tune into it

and people start to hang out with you and

resonate with you, it becomes like a powerful

draw and things that are like those things

will start to manifest around you...”

- Fred Alan Wolf to me, 1992


After careful analysis and consideration, we determined that the face is the result of a technology from a parallel civilization as it was not physical but appeared to be a projection from another dimension as we noticed what appeared to be square edges seen partially beyond the face itself. That fact that I never saw it with my own eyes and it was only on camera for a 30th of a second and was otherwise invisible the whole time suggests that it was not meant to be observed and something went awry for that split second  that it was seen. As an advanced concept R&D engineer, I've begun to reverse engineer the device  which I assume is an mind/machine interface which allows a remote viewer to project their consciousness along with an energetic form of the device to the site. For a lack of a better description, we caught a psychic projection of the visitor using the device to spy on me conducting an experiment. And what was it? The testing of a quantum measurement trigger based on an idea of Israeli-American physicist, Yakir Aharonov, for a control device of a time machine, from 1992 Discover magazine. Original footage is in color - the face is blue, laser red. We have no idea where this person was from nor have we seen him since but he, and others like him, can spy on us invisibly with impunity. Why he was here can only be speculated on but this we do know - he was interested as Hell in that Aharonov time machine controller device. To what end, I don't know.

So, this is where we all are. The Earth is in crisis, but there is not only more than one, there are a near infinite number of them. Civilization is in various stages of crisis but we don't have to stay here once the solution to time travel to the past is resolved, which is almost here. Our economies are being challenged but once we accomplish time travel, the doors to enormous wealth for our civilization will be opened wide. 


Prof. Schwab I'm not asking for funding, only that you at least make sure that those at the WEF who had the interest in having that time article published on your site are informed about this and anyone else that would be interested in this 100% solution. Make no mistake - this project will get done eventually, I'm just trying to speed up the process because I have no idea how much time we have left. COVID 19 was a warning, one that I'm heeding, unlike Elon Musk.


Watch again the video pitch deck and now consider what you now know and the realistic implications. This new reality is closer now to full realization than anything you have planned or anyone else for that matter. Let's take it while it's within reach.

For All Tomorrows To Come
00:00 / 06:14

To conclude this letter, I will close with a musical composition of mine from 1985, the first that I ever did specifically with the EDPREPS guitar system in mind. The EDPREPS was the first technology that I perceived from what we call the Bosoks world and it enables a single guitarist to sound as if he has multiple guitars playing different arrangements at once  along with synthesizer effects. Everything that you hear was created and performed at once, live in the studio with zero over dubs, zero synthesizers, zero computers and zero MIDI controls. Literally just one guitar used to perform one song, once through the EDPREPs, a technology from a true, parallel universe not from our own.

For All Tomorrows To Come

the* Marshall Barnes

Copyright 1985 All Rights Reserved 


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