While billionaires gamble on futures in space, a mere $100Gs could open the way toward a solid time travel future to the past, with riches, power and escape from the coming apocalypse...
As I finished this article I watched as the weather doused the hopes of a much hyped and historic Elon Musk/SpaceX launch to carry NASA astronauts to the ISS. I realized later that the whole event was a metaphor for exactly what I'm writing about here - that despite the best plans laid for projecting our wills into space, unforeseen and chaotic circumstances can render them all for naught, so it's best to have a B plan.
A year ago Jeff Bezos did a swanky event in Washington D.C. to announce that his space company, Blue Origin, was creating a new lunar lander to take astronauts and cargo to the moon in 2024. But according to Corey S. Powell, writing for NBC's Mach, in his article, Jeff Bezos foresees a trillion people living in millions of space colonies. Here's what he's doing to get the ball rolling, going to the moon is just the beginning. The billionaire's ultimate ideas are inspired by the art of physicist Gerard K. O’Neill, who visualized for NASA highly stylized concepts for space settlements in the 1970s. I remember seeing that art as a kid and thinking how incredible it would be to live in such a beautiful, Colorado suburb-looking world as it floated in space high above the Earth. Rocky Mountain high, indeed.
Powell writes, "But going to the moon is just the beginning of his vision. What he really wants to do, Bezos declared, is find a new home in space for our species."
I used to be a believer in the same kind of vision as well. That was until I began to sense the future behind which all of this astro-wiz-bang world tomorrow was to unfold. One with all the makings of a futuristic nightmare created by duped morons doing the bidding of secret Machiavellian leaders. As a member of the last leg of the baby boom generation that was promised that we would already have all of these outer space settlements and more, I wasn't buying it. As an adult who, as a child, bought We Won't Get Fooled Again, as his first 45 rpm record, this time I was rebelliously angry. Even my former rock hero, Todd Rundgren, did a song not long ago about it called, Future.
Of course, that perceptive simultaneously made me dismissive of the digitalcentrist fantasy that we're actually in a simulated world. A concept that so engulfed Elon Musk, who claimed he didn't see a flaw in that argument and that we should hope we're in such a construct or it could mean that "civilization will cease to exist".
Of course, as I showed in my paper, A Participatory Universe Does Not Equal a Simulated One and Why We Live in the Former, the obvious argument against Musk's position is that it violates causality - how can we be in the result of a future that hasn't happened yet? At the same time I see that threat, which is behind his belief in the simulation fantasy and his ideas of space exploration, as real - that civilization as we know it will be wiped out if we don't do something to ensure it's survival. The problem is we can't. Not here.
According to an interview in a 2016 New Yorker article with Silicon Valley billionaire Sam Altman, there were two billionaires there willing to fund research into how to escape the simulated universe that they think we're in - no word if Musk is among them. Two subsequent articles that I penned addressed the fact that these two billionaires are wrongand then how the alternative would be their funding time travel research to the early '80swhere they could start again by hijacking the burgeoning personal computer industry.
Bezos hasn't revealed how he's making this cosmic future happen, but he sees private industry driving down the cost of space commercialization over time. Something that I've seen already taking place.
I know what I'm talking about. Between 2010 and 2016 I was very involved in the aerospace and space community. My first presentation focused on my research into consciousness and mind/machine interfacing as it applied to long. manned voyages in space, such as to Mars. I remember being a speaker on a new advanced propulsion technology I had invented as a prototype for a warp drive alternative, at the International Space Development Conference, in 2013 and attending a talk on space settlement and the idea of utilizing exactly the kinds of orbital space communities Bezos talks about now. That's the same year that Russian entrepreneur Igor Ashurbeyliannounced what would become the first "space nation", Asgardia and most of us knew that any orbital society would have to be funded in part at least by a few billionaires. My thinking, and that of some others, was if it was privately funded, it should eventually declare independence from Earth.
My abstract from a 2010 Mars Society lecture on technocogninetic solutions to stress in space.
While I was involved in space ventures I was simultaneously engaged part time in time travel research and authored a special report on the subject for select member of Congress which is now the book, Paradox Lost: The True Geometries of Time Travel. I saw the subject as a back-up, a B plan of sorts, in case things started to go off a cliff in the world.
I was well aware of the kinds of problems that Bezos' space colonies and Musk's Martian settlements would have individually and inherently, but had that infectious optimism that is contagious at space conferences. Always, the difficulties of space everything - exploration, tourism, mining, colonization - are met with a can-do spirit, rarely observed anywhere else.
“But once we establish autonomous robotic industry in space to benefit the Earth, it will cost us nothing to scale it up to giant proportions. It will be a revolution in the very nature of civilization.” Powell quotes Bezos.
The problem with that - the problem with all of it , is time. If we had all of the time in the world, sure there's probably many extravagant things that could be accomplished in space. But by 2015 I began to see signs that matched the warning indicators an associate and I predicted for the future not becoming what we're being sold. I'll skip the geopolitical reasoning to just say I saw enough to alarmingly tilt my research away from space and toward the B plan, with a serious bent. One with the determined intention of making it happen as an escape from the future I then feared was coming, because my life was certain to depend on it.
If COVID-19 has taught any of you reading this anything, is that we don't have time. The end could come at any moment or have you forgotten the events prior to the COVID-19 crisis that led to 100 seconds to midnight on the Doomsday clock?
It was those events, that solidified my current position and the actions I've taken. Events coming just after my paper was released, A Special Report: Temporal Escape which outlines the plans for the only migration that promises 100% success if it is proved to be possible. One that will save the largest number of lives, equipment, resources etc. in the face of the threat of all extinction level events cited by the Lifeboat Foundation - everything the plans of Bezos and Musk won't. Solve the remaining issues with back and forth time travel to the past and then escape to 12,000 years in the past to establish settlements in what would be called Earth:12KB4 or Earth 12 thousand years before now.
I know some of you who think you're pretty smart, "geeks" if you will, might be balking at this idea right now, thinking like Neil deGrasse Tyson does. The fact of the matter is Einstein never believed in time travel to the past, none of his theories provide practical solutions for time travel and few physicists have even given serious thought to resolving the myriad of problems associated with the idea. There's been no "gun to your head" motivations, well now there's a gun to our heads. It's called COVID-19.
Before anyone had ever heard of this coronavirus, the solution to time travel to the past was already known by those of us smart enough and aware enough to have done the research and the work. There were just a few snags to be worked out which have now been reduced to about one. In fact, there were already operations under development, which have now been accelerated in fear that the next crisis will be the one that wipes everything out. As I've written, COVID-19 is a warning shot across the bow to get things done before it's too late.
But those operations are on the personal level where only one way capabilities are required from the current work because the purpose is simply to escape what's coming. Those physics aren't found anywhere near Einstein or his theories, but instead in the confluence of quantum physics, information theory and temporal mechanics. In a nutshell, Discover magazine's Tim Folger revealed it in his article, Does the Universe Exist if We're Not Looking?, an interview with the renowned physicist, John Archibald Wheeler and I'm sure he didn't realize what he had done. In Wheeler's description of his famous delayed choice experiment on a cosmic scale,
"By the time the astronomers decide which measurement to make, whether to pin down the photon to one definite route or to have it follow both paths simultaneously the photon could have already journeyed for billions of years, long before life appeared on Earth. The measurements made now, says Wheeler, determine the photon's past. In one case the astronomers create a past in which a photon took both possible routes from the quasar to Earth. Alternatively, they retroactively force the photon on to one straight trail toward their detector, even though the photon began its jaunt long before any detectors existed."
The key phrase there is, "in one case the astronomers create a past...". All that needs to be done is to create a present that is a copy of an era in the past, a kind of inverse slight of hand, and that's time travel. In other words, via a specially synthesized quantum measurement, the present in a localized area will become a copy of the past. The target there will be translated to this new version of reality. By doing so, no energy is transferred to the past nor changes in entropy. Why? Because it will be a copy of the past that did not exist until the time travel act was executed, thus resolving the perceived problems, by some, with the idea that time travel to the past would involve a prohibited transfer of energy to the past, or for that matter, require tremendous amounts of energy.
In 1992, physicist Yakir Aharonov proposed a method of using quantum measurements to control a type of time machine. The idea was reported in Discover magazine with Aharonov predicting that someone in the future would figure out a way to miniaturize the set-up. I have, swapping out the general relativistic component with a temporal mechanical in the design and the measurement apparatus reduced to a device 2 inches long or less, and appropriately called, an Aharonov Optical Manifold.
An Aharonov Optical Manifold in action
Top photo: Full array of Parallel Lines experiment set-up, a laser pulse entering bottom, far left. Bottom photo: Anomalous event with faint laser hit inside Aharonov Optical Manifold without cause, appearing in the low center of photo above bluish object. Being without cause is a discontinuous result.
The initial experiments have already been done, proving this parallel universe theory, unlike the debunked, recent announcement concerning NASA's discovery of a parallel universe where time runs backwards, which is not linked in any way with time travel nor temporal mechanics. The results of the experiments match those predicted by German astrophysicist Rainer Plaga in 1995 and reported by New Scientist, for a parallel universe test and were discontinuous. The most complete example being that of the Parallel Lines experimentwhich included tests for shutter roll, probability clouds, perceived retrocausality and the Participatory Universe model of Wheeler. That being said, the research papers have been online, most at Academia.edu, from months to a couple of years.
While Musk's vision of opening Mars for settlement will do little for providing a new home for anything more than a handful of astro-pioneers, at least Bezos sees a future for "trillions" of Earthlings in space. However, there is no practical means for how to get the project done in this decade which by my estimation is all the time that's left, if that. Furthermore, there are complications, both in terms of the structure of these orbital space bubbles and who will live there.
Dr. Edythe Weeks is also concerned that more people have access to space and has presented her work at the International Astronautical Federation Congress on several occasions. Her book, Outer Space Development, International Relations and Space Law: A Method for Elucidating Seeds (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012) has been recognized by the Peace Palace Library at The Hague. Weeks has pressed for the expansion of space access, information and education, for people usually not engaged or addressed.
Dr. Edythe Weeks Professor of Space Law
Rachel Armstrong, a professor of experimental architecture at Newcastle University in England who envisions a “Star Ark”, a living space ship and seeks a form of cultural facilitation of how interstellar culture can be seeded. She's said to be a "black sky thinker" which means thinking beyond conventional and predetermined framework projections and into the realm of the unknown, with immediate effects. That's what I'm doing with time travel, because I think we're out of time for all this space idealism, though there's plenty of that around. Like Icarus Interstellar, which seeks to build a star ship to go to the next solar system by 2100. If that wasn't enough, they also have a plethora of projects ranging from technology research to attempts to discern how to start a new civilization.
So, the big problem for both Musk and Bezos and all the rest of the space community is that their cosmic dreams are irrelevant. There is nothing that will make them come true in any substantive manner anytime soon - but don't get me wrong. I'm not saying they shouldn't try. What I'm saying is out of all that money that's going to be spent for solutions, none of which provide a 100% guarantee to save humanity, under any circumstances, or any significant number of its people and may be rendered as pointless as tickets for any of those plethora of sporting events or concerts that got canceled this year, it's worth spending $100Gs (which I know there'll be repayment for) that may provide the ultimate breakthrough - two way travel to Earth:12KB4, to establish settlements there without any of the downsides of space travel and one thousand times all of the benefits - mining and minerals, moving people to reduce the strain and environmental impact here, and all of the rest of it and more. My bet is whether it's just one rich dude, ten guys who dig the idea, DARPA or some other part of the government, it'll get done if the right people find out about it.
So for those that may want to scoff at such an idea, guess what? None of them were smart enough to see the writing on the wall or figure out a cogent way out. I had the vision - the work, the plan, and the effort was already published before all these events that led to the 100 seconds to midnight on the Doomsday clock and preceding COVID-19, which could have been much worse, more lethal and much more widespread. The next thing might be.
Remember, the ability to send individuals is almost ready now. Project Earth:12KB4 is to see if we can send large numbers of personnel, equipment and cargo and go back and forth - the temporal equivalent of all these space programs. With the ability to transfer equipment we could reestablish space programs there, send up our satellites and depending on how it's handled, have a far more peaceful world. After all, I'm an American and there's nothing stopping me from keeping this technology in American hands - in fact I'm required by law to, - US Code 35 Chapter 17 Segment 181. So this new world that we open up in the distant past could essentially be an American one without China, Russia, Iran, N. Korea or any other anti-American state, even having a place at the table or a vote on what's done.
“We get to choose: Do we want status quo and rationing, or do we need dynamism and choice?” Bezos is quoted by Powell. “This is an easy choice.”
Based on that criteria, I'd have to agree.
But the very best choice sure ain't outer space...