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Matt Klontz:

7 months ago

Dear Elon Musk,

Forget about Mars and your a time machine and take us back to the 80's!!!


Generation Xers

Dive Into a New Age of Accelerated Temporal Analytics

Our Services

Time Travel Analytics Modernization

Many "facts" and ideas about time travel are seriously outdated to the point of being useless. Removing that data is part of modernization and exposes lots of opportunities. We plan on taking advantage of those opportunities  to make tremendous profits and more. 

Temporal Science Acceleration

Due to a concentration on resolving unsolved issues and concepts related to time travel, the science has finally begun to accelerate at a never before seen speed. Beginning with David Deutsch in 1988, then Yakir Aharonov in 1992, Rainer Plaga in 1995, John Archibald Wheeler in 2000 then Marshall Barnes in 2016, the science supporting what is now the cusp of time travel to the past is unprecedented. 

Versatility in GeoPolitical, Economic Application

The ramifications of having the ability to mine and exploit resources, worldwide, in the past, without any oversight or control, has been analyzed for its implications for commercial exploitation - not only here and now in the present, but at other times in other worlds. These are the unheard of opportunities that time travel to the distant past will afford investors who get involved now. Mind you, unlike like many other investments, the amount of the raise is relatively small, and limited and will not be expanded to others once the initial offering is sold out. And easily, one person could buy it all...First come, first serve. 

Full Customer Investment  Security

Your investment is secure because of what you're buying that is backed by ND NFT technology. The profit is  more than  significant because you're getting in early on with an unlimited financial opportunity .

We Secure Your Investment with
Non Digi-tech
Non Fungiable Token
Art Systems

I want to describe for you how the investment works. Essentially, it’s very easy. All you have to do is buy a piece of art created by the Project manager which is being sold as a new type of NFT or non-fungible token. As you may have heard, non fungible tokens are all the rage at the moment with one being sold at auction recently for $96 million dollars. How this type of NFT works is simple. It has all of the security of other NFTs. As the owner, you control it. Its validity is registered via a QR Code  which is linked to a web page that you and only you control. It will list the image of the art, your name as the owner and what the resale price is that you’re asking for if you want to sell. Of course you can set that at any price you want. There will be an email listed whereby potential buyers can contact you. So, right from the start your investment has the potential to pay for itself because it’s tied to a piece of art with the bottom value of at least $500. If you want to investment more, you either get the piece in a larger size or buy a different piece. All pieces offered for sale are original and exclusive - no reprints and no reprints will ever be made. And each is an actual real object, not just a digital image. 


This type of NFT is called a ND NFT, ND means “non digi-tech”. It refers to the fact that there is no blockchain involved. Blockchain is overrated. With control over what appears on the page you don’t need block chain. The QR Code allows anyone, anywhere to check the status, just like with Blockchain. The status is controlled by you. Now your ND NFT comes with no maintenance fees. And you can post it anywhere it’s allowed for potential buyers to see it. Best of all, your ND NFT is linked to the art, not your investment in the time travel project for which it represents. 


So right from the start, your investment is covered and has the ability to turn what could amount to a sizable profit. Period. The art itself is notable by the way it’s been created - using a new technology created by the artist, Marshall Barnes, called the Programable Television Synthesizer or P.TVsynth. Marshall is also the scientific genius who is making the time travel breakthrough. 

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