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Our Mission:

Our mission is to deliver the extraordinary ROI that this scientific breakthrough will offer. Nothing that is on Elon Musk's schedule can come close. This not only has the potential of tremendous financial reward but will open up possibilities for the ultimate personal security in the case of major catastrophic threats to our civilization or Earth extinction level events. 

If successful, we will be selling the rights to private mining and other resource harvesting firms to travel to the past for the commercial importation of minerals, lumber and other resources, for millions and millions of $.

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Our Story

In this 21st century we have learned that we have more to worry about than just thermonuclear war, the way society used to. Now it's asteroid strikes, AI, climate change, terrorism, etc. Now pandemics threaten to totally disrupt and wipe us out. Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and others, including the late Stephen Hawking, suggested that Humanity expand into space however that is more difficult than it seems. Aside from the comparative expense, everything about going to space is more difficult and less productive than going to the past will be, if possible, and finding out whether it's possible will only cost $100,000 or less and Marshall Barnes, has figured out how to make it pay for itself upfront. 


Time travel research, outside of Relativity theory, is not as expensive as working in space.  So, everything about turning away from space and toward the past is more beneficial. People just have to get adjusted to the thought of dosing so because they've been misled for so long as to how the nature of time and time travel, works.

Marshall Barnes. World's expert on time travel...

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Marshall Barnes, R&D Eng is an internationally recognized genius and renaissance man, known also as "the man beyond tomorrow". A former advocate and research and developer in the field of exotic aerospace, Marshall has traded that field for the explosive potential of time travel's cutting edge. While Elon Musk has concentrated on going to Mars, Marshall conducted the analysis that showed that if time travel to the past could be accomplished, the benefits would be tremendous and exceed those of the entire space industry.  Beginning in 2015, he took his analysis seriously and turned his attention to the research of practical time travel with the intent of developing it for the ultimate escape from the future that both he and Elon Musk fear. 


One of the key areas that Marshall has excelled in is the ability to conduct experiments and design technology for the research. He learned this skill through the influence early on as young man from two of his favorite rock stars, Todd Rundgren and his keyboardist and synthesizer player, Roger Powell. Later, he found he had much in common with the famous engineer Gabriel Kron.


It's Marshall's skill, talent and ability at being a conceptual theorist as well as engineer and technician that has given this project its advantages and chances for success beyond the regular imagination. He has been recognized for this in a number of areas. Now  it is believed that with Marshall's guidance, the basic level of success required for 2 way time travel will be achieved in a year or less.

Experienced Leadership

Many people believed that Stephen Hawking was a time travel expert. Actually, the nature of time and time travel were his worse subjects. Marshall Barnes is on record as having caught more mistakes that Hawking made than anyone else in the world, including the Higgs Boson error in 2008 once Hawking made his position, that it wouldn't be found, public. In  his book on Hawking, Space Warps and Time Tunnels, Marshall revealed a significant flaw in the famous Black Hole Paradox that Hawking missed, involving causality violations and time travel. He also revealed Hawking's vacillating position on parallel universes. In addition, Marshall proved that Hawking's thought problem, The Mad Scientist Paradox, was flawed in 2 major ways. First the spacetime geometry was wrong, which Hawking tried to prove by using feedback by a rock band, as an example. Marshall, who is an actual rock guitarist and producer proved Hawking wrong with a physical experiment conducted in a high school physics class. The second flaw was the fact that the


 (Below: Cover of Space Warps and Time Tunnels)     

the scene was depicted with an obvious - to Marshall, error. The mad scientist has supposedly constructed a wormhole time machine that connects to the past by 1 minute and he shoots himself through that wormhole to create a paradox. The problem is that where the scene is shown from the perspective of the past, there is only one wormhole there which couldn't be because that opening is supposed to connect to the past and there isn't a wormhole shown for that. Marshall lectured on it for a special event at Harvard and did a test of J.R, Oppenheimer's conjecture that, due to special modes of perception that children have, they can solve some advanced physics problems.  Marshall won a state recognition for not only catching Hawking's mistakes but proving Oppenheimer right with a test group of children. 

Above: Marshall along with elementary school students who caught Stephen Hawking's Mad Scientist mistake with the wrong number of wormholes.  

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